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PAW -Dog meal plan app

"PAW is a customized dog meal plan ordering mobile application to help the owner with busy schedule provide the best food for their dogs, so they can live the best and healthiest lives that they deserve"

By:  Pinky Arunwattanamongkol- 2022

Peeping Dog
Untitled design (1)_edited.jpg
Peeping Puppy

Scope: July 2022                                                                                                  Project Type: High-fi prototype mobile application for a dog  meal plan subscription website

Role: UX/UI Designer                                                                                          Tools: Figma, Illustrator


Create a clickable prototype with animations & explain how we came up with our idea & why people would use this app.


A lot of dog owners have  been looking for a better quality, like fresh dog food that help their dogs live long and healthy. However, they don't have a lot of time to prep fresh food for their dogs.​


After talked to dog owners, they shared the same pain points about the quality of kibbles that they could get from grocery store. They were basically fast food for dogs but they want their dog to eat healthier but they don't have time to cook food for their dog because they have to go to work. They want a solution to help them provide healthy food for their dogs.


1. Low quality dog food

A lot of kibbles/ dog food were made from low quality meat which is not good for your dog health

2. Food allergies 

Food allergies in dog can cause itchy skin, paws, or ears or digestive disturbances such as vomiting or diarrhea. Other more subtle changes can also occur, including hyperactivity, weight loss, lack of energy, and even aggression.

3. No time to cook or shop for gourmet dog foods

Some owner doesn't have time to go shopping quality ingredients from a farmer market and prep dog food from scratch 





The set of questionnaires helped customize best selection of quality dog food for the owner to pick from.



There is an option for the user to get a subscription for your dogs' meals. In addition, user can also add more than one dog on your account 




Young Nurse

Age : 30 years old

Education :  B.S. Nursing

Hometown : Naperville, Illinois

Family :  3 year old dog

Occupation : Nurse 


Monica is a nurse working long hours, she doesn't have a lot of free time. She has a 3 years old golden retriever dog who she loves like her real kid and she want her dog to has the best quality of living. she wants to feed her dog real fresh food instead of  kibbles, however, She doesn't have a lot of time to cook. She is looking for an easier option for her and her dog.


  • Monika is looking for the best quality dog food for her pup.

  • Monika wants to save time on shopping for premium dog food or preparing food for her dog 


  • Monika works 80 hours per week

  • Monika knows that kibbles are not healthy for dog and want to find healthier food for her dog

"I want my pup to have the happiest and healthiest live! "


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